This website uses required cookies to ensure the basic functionality and performance. In addition, we use targeting cookies to improve the user experience, perform analytics and display personalised content.
About the cookies used on the website
The cookies used on the website have been classified according to their intended use. Below, you can read about the various categories and accept or reject the use of cookies.
Necessary cookies cannot be rejected. They enable the proper functioning of the website and affect the usability.
Necessary cookies cannot be rejected. They enable the proper functioning of the website and affect the usability.
Login cookies are used when the user logs in to the service.
Login cookies are used when the user logs in to the service.
Cookie set by
Purpose of use
Period of validity
Required to persist the authentication session.
User-input cookies can be used to store information entered by the user in the service.
User-input cookies can be used to store information entered by the user in the service.
Cookie set by
Purpose of use
Period of validity
Signup form cookie
The cookie required to save the signup form data
City of Helsinki services use shared consent. We will store these consents so that you do not have to accept the same cookies again on other City services.
City of Helsinki services use shared consent. We will store these consents so that you do not have to accept the same cookies again on other City services.
Cookie set by
Purpose of use
Period of validity
Used by to store information about whether visitors have given or declined the use of cookie categories used on the site.
1 year
Used by to store information about what version of the cookie consent the user has agreed to.
1 year
You can accept or reject optional cookies.
You can accept or reject optional cookies.
The information collected by statistics cookies is used to develop the website.
The information collected by statistics cookies is used to develop the website.
Cookie set by
Purpose of use
Period of validity
This cookie is used to store a few details about the user such as the unique visitor ID.
4. K-pop päiväleiri alle 15v Malminkartanon harrastushalli
K-pop tanssin päiväleirillä tanssitaan, pidetään hauskaa erilaisten k-poppiin liittyvien aktiviteettien kanssa ja keskustellaan k-pop kulttuurista. Päivän puolivälissä pidetään lounastauko omilla eväillä. K-pop on eteläkorealainen vauhdikas ja energinen tanssityyli, jota tanssitaan korealaisen popmusiikin tahdissa. Tunneilla tutuiksi tulevat k-popin eri alalajit ja niiden ominaispiirteet. K-pop on saavuttanut suurta suosiota 2000-luvulla myös länsimaissa... eikä ihme, sillä tyyli on mukaansatempaavaa ja jättää hymyn huulille pitkäksikin aikaa! Opettajat ovat taitavia nuoria tanssijoita, joiden kanssa jokainen pääsee oppimaan uutta.
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